Monday, August 21, 2017

McFlury $2.65

Hey friends and family sorry not much time this week so ill be quick with the highlights:

So the missionaries here in the office have a bad habit of frequently going to this little McDonalds ice-cream bar in the mall next to our office building. Yeah we go so often that the workers learned our names and decided to start hooking us up on with extra ice cream every time we pass by... I think that should be the sign where we stop going there so much but hey, if life gives you lemons, make McFluries... there much better than lemonade... 

Second, my stake has this indoor (its like soccer but on a miniature court and a smaller ball) tournament going on right now, so every ward has a team that competes against the other wards. Well anyway our investigator Marcos is insanely good at soccer and epically indoor! So we brought him to the tournament the other day and man he killed it!! He is insanely talented and it was an awesome way for us to let the ward get to know him better and make friends!!! 

But by far the best part of this tournament the stake has going is that there is no age limit!! And the old Ecuadorian men don’t back down at all!! HAHA ITS SERIOUSLY THE FUNNIEST THING OF MY LIFE WATCHING THEM PLAY!!! But seriously there are these 70 and 80-year-old men running around the court and pushing the young adults around!! Man it’s a sight to see!! Ill have to send videos the next game!! 

Have a great week and good luck to those who go back to school this week!!

Con mucho amorsito y un poquito 

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