Monday, January 2, 2017


Ecuador defiantly parties harder than the states! It was honestly such an incredibly fun week! All week everyone has been in a good mood preparing for the end of the year. Everyone here has been making these big things called Monigotes. It’s like paper-ma-she done by artists, and then they fill them up with explosives and wait for the New Year to blow them up!! We had to be in the house super early the last couple days so we decided to make a party of our own and had a super fun night! All the Gringos made hamburgers and French fries and lime-aid, while my new companion taught us to make carne asada! We spent all night on the roof enjoying the food and laughing!

My new compaƱero is Elder Rodrigues; he turns 22 on the 11th and is from Colombia. I love this guy soo much!! He is super funny and loves to be loud. But honestly my Spanish has been improving so much this last week because we are always talking and joking with each other which has been super awesome! Shout out to my cousins Taylor and Nick because my companion is literally a mixture between the two of them!! He only has one more month left in the mission until he finishes too, which is part awesome and part sad. He will be the 3rd companion of mine to finish the mission with me which is awesome because they have all been super experienced and obedient missionaries! But at the same time it's sad cuz I won’t get to see them latter in the mission. Plus its hard for them not to get excited at times to finish, and starting a mission with this is a little hard but it just has taught me how I want to end my mission with no regrets and working hard until the very last moment.

My New Years Resolution is to memorize a new Scripture every week!

Hope you are all doing great and I’m praying that you’re all feeling the spirit every day and can recognize the hand of God in you lives!

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