First off I would just like to say that I am not being Disobedient
right now!! I have permission to write after 6:00
Hola querida familia y amigos
Sorry I haven’t written in a few weeks... but man there’s so
much to tell!! As most of you know I have been fairly sick these last few
months. Well it got so bad that I ended up having emergency transfers a few
weeks back and have been seeing the doctors more than I got rejected in high
school (ha-ha totally kidding bout that one, that number is uncountable ;) but
anyways, I was sent to the Temple several times to talk to the Lord about maybe
being sent home to get better. I was also told by many doctors that I would
probably be sent home soon. Even a representative of the church (I don’t
remember his title or anything) called me and told me that he will be coming
down this month and will meet with me to decide if the church will HAVE to send
me home...
Through this whole process I truly never wanted to go back
home. I knew that I would be able to recover fully if I did and then that I
could return to the mission field in another mission. But I just never wanted
to leave this amazing country and the people who have become my family.
After having an interview with my mission president he knew
that I truly had no desire to return and that I was close. Although I had received
many priesthood blessings during this illness, he asked if it would be all
right to give me another. I can honestly say that I have never witnessed
anything like those moments. It was indescribably powerful and the Spirit
filled room. Ever since that blessing I have been 1000 times better and I have
little to no symptoms at all that just 2 weeks ago had me in bed 24/7. I have
learned so much about the Lords timing during this trial and want to thank each
and every one of you for your support and Prayers!! Miracles exist and they
take place every day, we just have to open our eyes and have Faith to see them!
So other news of the week: I got made Secretary to the President,
which has been kind of crazy!! I’ve been crazy busy trying to learn everything
that I have to do and have never taken so many notes in my life haha! I never imagined
how much my "Trainer" Elder Barba did until he began training me to
do it all...
I’m super excited for mother’s day and hope that all you incredible
Mothers out there can enjoy the time with your family! As a missionary I’ve
learned to appreciate all that my momma bear has done for me over the last 19
years and I’m sorry I never showed how grateful I am as well as I should have, I
promise that after the mission I will treat you like every day is mothers day!!
Your favorite Ecuadorian,
Elder Stidham